Department name
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department name
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Measurement Lab
The Team
Prof. Engr. Andrea Cataldo
Associate Professor Andrea Cataldo
University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation
Ecotekne - Palace O - Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni
Tel. + 39 0832 297823
Prof. Ing. Andrea Maria CATALDO received the Materials Engineering degree from University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering, in 2003, from the same University. From 2005 to 2013 he was a Researcher in the area of Electric and Electronic Measurements and, currently, he is an Associate Professor. He is lecturer in the courses: “Measurements for Telecommunications” and "Electronic Measurements and he is the supervisor of a research group at the Department of Engineering for Innovation. His main research interests are now in reflectometry and microwave measurement techniques, monitoring systems, sensors, dielectric characterization and non-destructive test of materials.
He is (has been) involved in leading various research projects supported by public and private bodies. He has co-authored over 150 publications on international journals, book chapters, and international and national conferences, along with three books. He is IEEE Senior Member, founder of an academic spin-off company and he holds four patents.